Term One So Far

The first activity we did was a week was swimming. At 9:30am the yr 7 to yrs 3s left to go to swimming at the Bordertown swimming pool. We did 30 minutes of swimming then had recess. While we were having recess the foundation students to yr 2 did their forty-five-minute lesson. After they had their lesson we had another lesson.

We did all sorts of things like doing laps, learning different jumps and what their purposes are for.

My favourite strokes are breast stroke and free style.

On Wednesday Kayla (me), Charlie, Makenzie and Will missed out on swimming as we went to a GRIP (generosity, responsibility, integrity, people) Leadership Conference. To learn more about being a leader of the school. We did all sorts of activities like Loud Noise. We all went because we are School and Vice Captains

We also had a lady named Yunju and her friend Amy come and show us how to write our names in Korean. We had lots of fun. We also saw what the traditional dress from Korea.

First blog for 2017

Hi, this is my first blog for 2017. This year is my last and I can’t wait to start lots of the fun activities. This year we have the choir theme of the Nutcracker and I am going to have another crack for a solo. We are also learning about democracy. I have also been elected as School Captain and I am very proud. This year I have quite a few goals that I would like to achieve. Like getting 100% in my math mental, read more than 3 times a week.

The most exciting thing that we are doing this term is Noorla Yo Long where you climb along the tree tops.